

 Assalamualaikum and greetings to all! It may be the last class of the semester, but the information and knowledge we learn will never be forgotten! Today, the class madam discussed peer review. She demonstrated how to use the rubrics to assign grades and make comments on other group projects. The video on the EdApp should feature a voice over or sound that explains what is happening in the video. This will earn you bonus points! We'll also go through the rubrics. A-Analysis D-Design D-Development I-Implementation E-Evaluation Our EdApp project is more tidy and organised as a result of this methodology. Each procedure must be stated explicitly. This model is also being used in our continuing report. It was fairly good in my opinion because it was straightforward but did not leave out any of our information. Other ISD Models include GAGNE 9 events, Dick and Carey, and ASSURE, in addition to the ADDIE Model. Each model has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.  Last but not least, t

Work on Group Project

 Assalamualaikum and greetings to all! We don't have class today since Madam has classes. However, it is not why we are free. Madam had requested that we finish and attempt to complete our final project information in the Google sheet. We utilise this time to talk amongst ourselves and strive to accomplish what we've already set out to do. We had already split our tasks, so we are double-checking each one before we begin writing and peer review. Following that, we'll get ready to compose the report. 


 Assalamualaikum and greetings to all! Let's learn something fresh that we can apply in our next class. Today's learning (February 25th, 2022) is to learn about a new app (for me) that will be utilised in the final project and can also be used as a teaching tool. This is intriguing since we can utilise the same platform to teach and evaluate students. EdApp is a mobile learning management system (LMS) that is easy to use for teachers and exciting for students to connect with. It is web-based, allowing teachers and students to access it from a variety of devices. The system features an authoring tool that allows teachers to choose from dozens of ready-to-use templates or create new lessons as needed. This application can also be used to transform PowerPoint presentations into lessons. Isn't it fascinating? I will undoubtedly use this tool with my students in the future.


 Hello, everyone! Assalamualaikum! Now let's move on to some fun web-based tools that you can utilise in class. Madam Azida had instructed us and demonstrated how to make a movie using PowToon. Yes, it's PowToon. PowToon is an eTool that allows you to make animated videos for personal, educational, or professional purposes. PowToon provides a free account; simply log in and begin making a movie. We were required to create our own videos with PowToon and upload them to YouTube. Then, in the class assessment padlet, share the link. It's a fascinating piece of software because it allows us to make an animated video with our own ideas and information. This PowToon will undoubtedly be used in my forthcoming class. Hope you all enjoy my video (link below).

Reviewing Need Analysis

 Hello, everyone! Assalamualaikum! So, after all of the groups have given their presentations, today's class (February 11th, 2022) is focusing on the final project. Our update on the goggle sheet was evaluated by Madam. She explained what should be written in each column. She corrects some of the writing in the groups that isn't appropriate for the lesson. We definitely see her intentions for the analysis writing. We also made certain changes in response to madam's request. Madam has already stated that she wants to show and teach about an animation video creator that we can utilise during the design phase in the next session. So keep an eye out!

Article Review Presentation

 Assalamualaikum and greetings to all. My group's time to give our article review came on the 4th of February 2022 (Week 9). The title of our presentation is 'The Use of Web-Based Educational Platforms in T&L .' We had chosen two articles to compare and review. The first post is titled "Using Microsoft Teams to Enhance Engagement and Learning with Any Class," while the second piece is titled "The Application of Google Classroom as a Tool for Teaching and Learning." As a result, we have a debate about the which one is better medium for learning. I am hopeful that we will be able to address the issue and meet the challenge to the best of our abilities.


 Assalamualaikum and greetings to all. We learned and explored on interactive internet learning games. This course appeals to me because I can use the apps in class. We discovered how to use apps. This app can be found at As a teacher, we can choose from a variety of templates and game types that are appropriate for our class. This is critical in ensuring that students comprehend and enjoy our course. This software appeals to me, however it does have one drawback. We, as teachers, are unable to view the grades of our pupils. Students must take a screenshot of their grade. As a result, they could be cheating to gain a better grade. As a result, the teacher can only utilise these apps as a form of exercise or revision for the students. Here's how I did the exercise with LearnigApps. You can take a look at it!