
 Assalamualaikum and greetings to all!

Let's learn something fresh that we can apply in our next class.

Today's learning (February 25th, 2022) is to learn about a new app (for me) that will be utilised in the final project and can also be used as a teaching tool. This is intriguing since we can utilise the same platform to teach and evaluate students.


EdApp is a mobile learning management system (LMS) that is easy to use for teachers and exciting for students to connect with. It is web-based, allowing teachers and students to access it from a variety of devices. The system features an authoring tool that allows teachers to choose from dozens of ready-to-use templates or create new lessons as needed. This application can also be used to transform PowerPoint presentations into lessons. Isn't it fascinating? I will undoubtedly use this tool with my students in the future.


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