Assalamualaikum and greetings to all!

It may be the last class of the semester, but the information and knowledge we learn will never be forgotten! Today, the class madam discussed peer review. She demonstrated how to use the rubrics to assign grades and make comments on other group projects. The video on the EdApp should feature a voice over or sound that explains what is happening in the video. This will earn you bonus points! We'll also go through the rubrics.






Our EdApp project is more tidy and organised as a result of this methodology. Each procedure must be stated explicitly. This model is also being used in our continuing report. It was fairly good in my opinion because it was straightforward but did not leave out any of our information.

Other ISD Models include GAGNE 9 events, Dick and Carey, and ASSURE, in addition to the ADDIE Model. Each model has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. 

Last but not least, this may be the final piece of writing for the ETL reflection class. I'm really glad I decided to take this class as my elective. I learned a lot of new things, especially about some software and applications that I can utilise in my next class.

Thank you, Madam Azida, for being my groupmate and also a classmate this semester.


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