Reflection on 10 Types of Learning Strategies

 There are 10 different sorts of learning systems

1) Coopertative Learning Strategies

There has been extensive research on using Cooperative learning strategies in the classroom. Research says that students retain information quicker and longer, they develop critical thinking skills, as well as build their communication skills. Those mentioned are just a few of the benefits Cooperative learning has on students. Learn how to monitor groups, assign roles, and manage expectations.

2) Reading Strategies

Studies show that children need to practice reading every day in order to improve their reading skills. Developing and teaching reading strategies to elementary students will help increase their reading ability. Often when students get stuck on a word they are told to "sound it out." While this strategy may work at times, there are other strategies that may work even better. The link contains a list of reading strategies for elementary students. Teach your students these tips to help improve their reading ability.

3) Word Walls

A Word Wall is a categorical listing of words that have been taught in the classroom and displayed on the wall. Students can then refer to these words during direct instruction or throughout the day. Word walls provide students with easy access to words they need to know during activities. The most effective word walls are used as a learning reference throughout the year. Learn why teachers use a wall and how they use them. Plus: activities for working with word walls.

4) Word Families

An easy way to help children brainstorm and classify ideas is by using a graphic organizer. This visual presentation is a unique way to show students the material they are learning. A graphic organizer assists the students by organizing the information to make it easier for them to comprehend. This valuable tool provides teachers with the opportunity to assess and understand their students thinking skills. Learn how to choose and how to use a graphic organizer. Plus: the benefits, and suggested ideas.

5) Graphic Organizers

An easy way to help children brainstorm and classify ideas is by using a graphic organizer. This visual presentation is a unique way to show students the material they are learning. A graphic organizer assists the students by organizing the information to make it easier for them to comprehend. This valuable tool provides teachers with the opportunity to assess and understand their students thinking skills. Learn how to choose and how to use a graphic organizer. Plus: the benefits, and suggested ideas.

6) Repeated Reading Strategy

Repeated readings is when a student reads the same text over and over again until the rate of reading has no errors. This strategy can be done individually or in a group setting. This method was originally targeted for students with learning disabilities until educators realized that all students can benefit from this strategy. Learn the purpose, procedure, and activities for using this learning strategy in the classroom.

7) Phonics Strategies

Are you looking for ideas for teaching phonics to your elementary students? The analytic method is a simple approach that has been around for nearly one hundred years. Here is a quick resource for you to learn about the method, and how to teach it. In this quick guide you will learn what analytic phonics is, the appropriate age to use it, how to teach it, and tips for success.

8) Multisensory Teaching Strategy

The Multisensory teaching approach to reading, is based upon the idea that some students learn best when the material that they are given is presented to them in a variety of modalities. This method uses movement (kinesthetic) and touch (tactile), along with what we see (visual) and what we hear (auditory) to help students learn to read, write and spell. Here you will learn who benefits from this approach, and 8 activities to teach your students.

9) Six Traits of Writing

Help your students develop good writing skills by implementing the six traits of writing model into your classroom. Learn the six key characteristics, and definitions of each. Plus: teaching activities for each component.

10) Reluctant Reading Strategy

We have all had those students who have a love for reading, and the ones who don't. There may be many factors that correlate with why some students are reluctant to read. The book may be too hard for them, parents at home may not actively encourage reading, or the student is just not interested in what they are reading. As teachers, it is our job to help nurture and develop a love for reading in our students. By employing strategies and creating a few fun activities, we can motivate students to want to read, and not just because we make them read. Here you will find five activities that will encourage even the most reluctant readers to be excited about reading.


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