Blended & Online Learning March 23, 2022

 Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone.

Online Learning

The term "online learning" refers to education that occurs over the internet. It's also known as "e-learning," among other things. Online learning, on the other hand, is merely one sort of "distance learning," which refers to any learning that takes place at a distance rather than in a typical classroom.

Blended Learning

Students learn through electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face instruction in this type of education.

As a result of these two definitions and madam Azida's explanation, I now understand the method that I have always utilised in class. Prior to this, I was unaware of the many techniques employed. In my case, I employed both approaches.

There are two scenarios: face-to-face classes and online classes. During the online class, I will first invite the students to Google Meet, and then we will go on to online evaluation (google form, quiz, or kahoot!). I rarely used technology in face-to-face classes because we spent the majority of our time on the field. However, there are some topics that require me to use technology, such as the subtopic 'pergerakan berirama.' I need to show pupils how to move and step using technology.

Last but not least, these two strategies are chosen depending on the topic that will be taught. It can be used by the teacher both in and out of class.


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