
Showing posts from January, 2022

Integrating Theory into Practice

 In this week, we have learned about 4 subtopics which are Instructional Models, Bloom's Digital Taxonomy, The 4 C's and Multiple Intelligences.  1) Instructional Models Firstly, we have learned technology integration strategies based on learning theories. There are 6 theories which are Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Theory, Schema Theory, Cognitive Load Theory, Situated Learning Theory, Gagne’s Theory of Instruction and Constructivism Theory.  Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Theory This is not one single theory but a generic term used to describe all the perspectives that focus how our cognitive processes such as attention, perception, encoding, storage, and retrieval of knowledge. It uses a two store model where stimuli enter the Sensory Register and from there go to Short Term Memory.  Here through rehearsal and encoding they can get stored in Long Term memory.  The retrieval process can access this information from LTM and bring it to the Working Memory for u