
Showing posts from December, 2021

Reflection on Different Eras of the Educational Technology

Assalamualaikum and hi everyoneđź‘‹. This is my first time write my blog and I was excited. On 10/12/2021 was the first class for Emerging Technologies in Teaching and Learning subject.  Today, I want to write about reflection on different eras of the educational technology. There was 4 eras of the educational technology which are Pre-microcomputer era (1950s-late 1970s), Microcomputer era (late 1970s-1990s), Internet era (1993-1998) and Mobile technologies era (2005-now).  First Era: Pre-microcomputer era (1950s-late 1970s) The first era was pre-microcomputer and it started 1950s until late 1970s. On 1950, the first computer was used for instruction, MIT pilots are trained using flight simulators. On 1959, the IBM 650 teaches binary arithmetic to school children in NYC. Start 1960 until 1970, the universities use main-frames systems for programming. In early 1790s, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) emerges; universities using mainframes and mincomputers in schools and schools begin us